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Mastering Object-Oriented Parking Lot Design for Tech Giant Interviews

Mastering Object-Oriented Parking Lot Design for Tech Giant Interviews


The introduction is clear and sets the context well. It could be enhanced by briefly defining what object-oriented design (OOD) encompasses, especially for those who might not be familiar with the concept.

Fundamental Assumptions for Design Complexity

The assumptions for the design complexity of a parking lot are detailed and easy to understand. However, enhancements can be made for clarity:

  1. Multiple Levels: Specify an average number of levels or mention that this number can vary, to provide a clearer picture.
  2. Vehicle Types and Spot Sizes: These points could be merged to streamline the explanation.
  3. Bus Parking: Clarify that these five spots must not only be in the scrutiny of the same row but also consecutive and exclusively unavailable to other vehicle types during the parking duration, to prevent ambiguity.

Class Structure Overview

This section explains class structure but could be improved by the inclusion of a ‘Level’ or ‘ParkingLot’ class, which manages the different levels or the entire lot layout, offering a more comprehensive design view.

  • ParkingSpot Class: An example of how a variable may determine the size of the spot could enhance practical understanding.

Why Simplify with One ParkingSpot Class?

This justification for using one universal ParkingSpot class focuses on simplicity and maintainability. Adding a brief discussion of potential downsides, such as the possible need for additional logic to handle different behaviors based on vehicle type or spot size, would provide a balanced view.

Contributor Acknowledgment

This section appropriately respects and acknowledges intellectual contributions, maintaining good practice.

Additional Details and Implementations

Future posts are promised to cover detailed implementations. Providing a link or a method for readers to access these technical discussions once available would add significant value.

Closure and Call to Action

A solid conclusion encourages applying these principles in real-world scenarios. Encouragement for interaction, such as inviting readers to comment with their thoughts or additional complex scenarios, could foster community discussion.


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