provide java code for url shortner with database dml dll queryes Blog Post

provide java code for url shortner with database dml dll queryes Blog Post

provide java code for url shortner with database dml dll queryes Blog Post

The provided content begins well with an organized structure and clear exposition of the concept and practical applications of a URL shortener. However, it falls short in the technical implementation and accuracy, where the example code snippets and the concluding section become misleading and difficult to follow. Below are my corrections and suggestions for each section:

### Introduction
The introduction is clear and sets the right context for the topic. No changes needed here.

### Detailed Explanation and Insights
This section is well-written with detailed insights into how URL shorteners work with database support. To improve SEO, consider adding keywords like “how URL shorteners work,” “database supported URL shorteners,” and “URL redirection process.”

### Practical Applications and Benefits
This section effectively lists the benefits and applications. To enhance readability, consider using bullet points for each benefit instead of a numerical list. This formatting can make the section more skimmable, which is beneficial for SEO.

### Key Components:
The details under Database Setup, ShortCode Generator, and other components are generally well-explained but beset by a jumble of confusing code and typos in the Integration Code which significantly reduce the readability and technical accuracy.

**Corrected Version for “Database Configuration” and “URL Shortening Service”:**
public class DatabaseConfig {
private static final String DB_URL = “jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/urlshortener”;
private static final String USER = “root”;
private static final String PASS = “password”;

public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
return DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL, USER, PASS);

public class UrlShortenerService {
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### Main Application
This section also has typographical errors and an unclear presentation. It needs a thorough rewrite, clearly explaining the function of the main application in initiating and using the URL shortener service. Consider simplifying and streamlining the explanation to make it more accessible to readers. Also, ensure the provided code matches typical Java standards and syntax.

### SEO Optimization
Ensure the keywords are well-distributed, particularly focusing on “URL shortener,” “how to create a URL shortener,” “Java,” and “database integration.” Using subheadings effectively will also help improve SEO, as well as adding a meta description and title tags that attract clicks from search engine result pages.

Overall, the concept and structure are strong, but the implementation-specific sections require accuracy improvements and clarity enhancements to make this a valuable resource.

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